Sunday Worship 10am at the Ballard Middle School

Stephen Moore – Lead Pastor
Stephen and his wife Ellen have been married and ministering together for 18 years. They have five children, Samuel, Benjamin, Jeriah, Isaiah, and Emma. Before moving to Huxley to plant the 7th church in the Engage Network, Stephen pastored two other rural Iowa churches for a total of 17 years. After working as a surgical nurse at the beginning of their marriage, Ellen has been a stay-at-home mom for the last several years. Stephen and Ellen are passionate about reaching their community in order to reach their world and desire to plant and lead Ballard Creek Church to do the same.

Erik Nilius – Part Time Staff/Elder
Erik and his wife Erica have been married since 2011. They have 3 growing kids which keep them very busy. Erik and Erica moved to Huxley in 2022 to be a part of the Ballard Creek Church plant. They are both passionate about serving in the church and reaching their new community with the Gospel.

Kevin Thomas – Elder
Kevin and his wife Jeanie married in 1983.  They have 3 adult children and 8 grandchildren (so far!).  They were members for 35 years at Saylorville Church in Des Moines, where Kevin was Family Ministries Pastor.  After serving for several years as Executive Director of a crisis pregnancy center, Jeanie is retired and loving the extra time to help with those grandbabies!  They moved to Huxley in 2022 to be part of the Ballard Creek Church plant, and are grateful for the opportunity to serve and see God at work in this community!

Bryan Carlton – Part Time Staff/Elder
Bryan and his wife Keri have been married since 2000 and enjoy spending time with their 4 kids. They were members at Lakeside Fellowship in Polk City for 13 years before helping plant Ballard Creek. Bryan and Keri look forward to seeing the Gospel go out in the Ballard community!

Gabby Swenson – Office Administrator
Gabby and her husband Graham have been married for three years and have a growing family and two rambunctious dogs. They attended New City Church prior to helping plant Ballard Creek Church. Graham and Gabby have lived in the Ballard community for three years and are excited to see the work God is doing in His church!